Autism Insurance Michigan
Position Statement on HB 5527, HB 5529, SB 784 & SB 785
It is our position that legislation should be passed in the state of Michigan that will require insurance companies to cover diagnosis, treatment and services for all people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).
It is our position that all people with ASD should be covered, regardless of age.
It is our position that Autism Spectrum Disorder is defined as any of the pervasive developmental disorders as defined by the most recent edition of the DSM.
It is our position that this coverage should include treatments as prescribed or ordered by the insured’s treating physician or psychologist and that no insurer may deny coverage for an individual based solely on the fact that the individual is diagnosed with an ASD.
It is our position that covered treatments shall not be subject to visit limits.
It is our position that there should be a provision for an expedited arbitration process if an insurance company denies coverage or changes coverage status.
It is also our position that coverage should not be construed as limiting access to benefits or other services that are otherwise available to an individual.