Autism Insurance in Michigan (AIM)
Dedicated to promoting Autism Insurance in Michigan through networking and legislative reform.

Monday, March 5, 2012
Friday, March 2, 2012
Autism Hearing in Senate: Very Few Opponents
AIM Position Statement
2) all people with ASD should be covered, regardless of age.
3) Autism Spectrum Disorder is defined as any of the pervasive developmental disorders as defined by the most recent edition of the DSM.
4) this coverage should include treatments as prescribed or ordered by the insured's treating physician or psychologist and that no insurer may deny coverage for an individual based solely on the fact that the individual is diagnosed with an ASD.
5) covered treatments shall not be subject to visit limits.
6) there should be a provision for an expedited arbitration process if an insurance company denies coverage or changes coverage status.
7) coverage should not be construed as limiting access to benefits or other services that are otherwise available to an individual.
List of Supporting Organizations as of 4/23/10
ACT Network |
Ann Arbor Families for Autistic Children's Education and Support |
Autism Advisory Group
Autism Insurance in Michigan (AIM) |
Autism Resource Network |
Autism Society of America |
Autism Society of America - Oakland County Chapter |
Autism Society of Washtenaw County |
Autism Society of WestShore |
Autism SpeaksAutism Alliance of Michigan |
Beaumont Hospitals |
Behavior Analysts Association of Michigan
Detroit Medical Center
Early InterventionCenter |
Easter Seals |
Elder Disability Rights Association Section of the State Bar of Michigan |
Family Chiropractic Clinic |
First Capital Directories |
Forestview Lanes |
Fravel Financial Services |
GFWC Madison Heights Intermediate Womens Club |
Glenn Buege Chevrolet |
Henry Ford Health System |
HOPE Network
Kaufman Children's Center for Speech, Language, Sensory-Motor & Social Connections, Inc. |
Michael James Associates |
Michigan Association of Elementary and Middle School Principals |
Michigan Association of IntermediateSchool Administrators |
Michigan Association of School Administrators |
Michigan Association of School Boards |
Michigan Association of School Psychologists |
Michigan Association of School Social Workers |
Michigan Council for Maternal and Child Health |
Michigan Nurses Association |
Michigan Pharmacists Association |
Michigan PTA |
Michigan Secondary School Principals Association |
Michigan Speech Language Hearing Association |
Middle Cities Education Association |
Monroe IntermediateSchool District |
National Alliance on Mental Illness - Michigan Chapter (member of Partners for Parity) |
National Council of Jewish Women, Greater Detroit Section
The Abilities Center |
The Ann Arbor Center for Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics
Traverse Bay Area Intermediate School District